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Victor Pelevin: The Helmet of Horror (Шлем ужаса)
2011-05-18 21:54
Turi Márton

Just like all eras, today has its own mythology. In today's vulgar myth-creation, popular writers and movie stars take the place of ancient heroes, and ancestral legends are replaced by...

Esterházy Péter: Esti
2011-05-13 23:29
Zsurzsán Anita

It would be definitely difficult to read the works of Péter Esterházy without knowing the Péter Esterházy phenomena. In his latest work our author attempts to rewrite...

2011-05-11 22:00
Pálfalvi Lajos

When Kazimierz Brandys finished his novel Rondo in the late seventies, he wrote in his diary that it had been the last occasion he toiled with fiction and the conventions of a major...

2011-05-08 10:09
Szövényi-Lux Balázs

There is a sound. Yes, from deep inside. Although I know I am victim of clever effects and tricks, and I know that it is a bit artificial and exaggerated, yet I surrender....

Bartis – Kemény: Amiről lehet
2011-05-04 19:27
Modor Bálint

I came across the newly published conversation book by Attila Bartis and István Kemény on a sunny afternoon in autumn. The first thing I felt was disappointment because it seemed...

Roundtable discussion on Richard Dawkins
2011-04-19 13:21
Paár Tamás

The February issue of the periodical Vigilia featured four authors' articles on The God Delusion by 70-year-old Richard Dawkins infamous...

richard dawkins
2011-04-13 15:10
Szabó Tamás

Adam (Ashton Kutcher) drives a beautifully maintained royal blue BMW Youngtimer. So he is a cool, easy-going guy who has a golden heart and doesn’t bother about his accelerating the end of...

The Neglected Dimension
2011-04-10 22:56
Mezei Balázs

The discovery of mystical experience, or the mystical in the proper sense, is the special merit of Gerda Walther. Despite the publication of her book (The Phenomenology of the Mystical...

Katalin Bedi's interview with writer Péter Esterházy on literature, reviews, Esti and possible lives.
2011-04-07 09:51
Bedi Katalin

Does Péter Esterházy read reviews of his works? What does he think when he's labeled 'literary writer'?

He does. I think everybody does, even...

Sator Quartet
2011-03-30 23:03
Hörcher Ferenc

Prayer, poetry, song? Medieval latin hymns belong to all three genres. Now, they rose for one night, performed by the Sator Quartet featuring Szilvia Bognár and András Lovasi....